How To Create a Referral Link: A Step-by-Step Guide

Описание к видео How To Create a Referral Link: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you looking to create a referral link for your business so you can get customers, partners, or affiliates to spread the word? Then this is the video for you! I'm going to show you how to create a referral link step-by-step. Plus, I'll explain why referral links have become such an important part of modern marketing and user acquisition. So don't miss out — watch now to learn all about creating a trackable referral link that will really boost your business. And don’t forget to check out our super-detailed blog post on this topic:

In this video 👇
00:00 Intro
00:19 What's the difference between a referral link and a referral code?
01:10 Why referral links are better than referral codes
03:35 Two ways to create referral links
03:39 Method 1: Hire developers
04:57 Method 2: Use plug-and-play referral software
05:45 Outro

More tips and tricks 👇
📢 Best Referral Software Tools To Use For Customer Referral Programs -
📢 Referral Marketing 101: A Comprehensive Guide for Business Owners -
📖 How Does Referral Factory Work? -
How To Generate Referral Links For Your CRM Contacts -
How To Upload Contacts and Automatically Generate Their Referral Links -
How To Email Your Contacts Their Unique Referral Links -
How To Add Users To Your Referral Program Using Zapier and Generate Their Referral Links -

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Are you new here?
Want to get more referrals? Referral Factory is the solution you’ve been looking for! We offer everything you need to build your referral program, track your referrals, and reward your customers for referring their friends. With Referral Factory, you also get access to 100+ referral program templates, deep integrations with most CRMs, Stripe and Zapier, and widgets, pop-ups, and email tools to promote your referral program. Our referral program software has been rated number one across multiple review sites as the ‘best’ and ‘most simple’ platform to build and manage your customer referral program. No developers needed. No experience with referral marketing required.

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