Assembly to Machine Code Conversion in 8086 microprocessor|| how to convert assembly into machine

Описание к видео Assembly to Machine Code Conversion in 8086 microprocessor|| how to convert assembly into machine

This video tutorial covers the assembly to machine code conversion of 8086 microprocessor. We have explained general format of instruction in 8086 microprocessor in terms of bytes and their relevant portions and then examples are provided in which machine code conversion has been performed for various instructions. This video tutorial explains the general format of instructions used in assembly language of 8086 microprocessor. This format has minimum 2 bytes and maximum it may go upto 6 Bytes. First Byte is composed of three field , opocde of 6-bits which is lets us know the operation to be performed in the instruction like move, add, subtract. second field is D field which is direction bit and it is related to another field REG of second byte which explains that which one of the operand is register and D bit lets us know that whether that register operand is source or Destination Operand. if d=0 then REG field specify the register which is source operand. if D=1,then REG field specify the register which is destination operand. An other bit W is also included in first byte of instruction which explains the size of operation performed in the instruction .for example 16-bit or 8-bit . Other two field included in second bytes are MOD and R/M which are 2 and 3 bits respectively. MOD operand specify whether any memory operand is present or not ? if it is present then what kind of memory operand is there. R/M specifies the other operand which is not encoded in REG filed. it can be a register or memory. that is why it is called R/M
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