VEGEMITE AINT IT * American tries Australian Snacks

Описание к видео VEGEMITE AINT IT * American tries Australian Snacks

Hiii - I'm Ashleigh and I got sent a whole box of Australian goodies! Why would ANYONE in their right mind enjoy Vegemite??? I'm not sure. Thank you so much Amber for sharing your snacks with me and for sending Beans some love too! ❤️

Lists of Snacks and Time Stamps:
I'm officially Australian: 1:24
Anzac Biscuits: 1:36 - 2:23
Tim Tams: 2:49 - 3:39
Fantails: 3:45 - 4:40
Burger Rings: 4:51 - 6:17
Minties: 6:17 - 7:10
Jumpy's: 7:12 - 8:22
Tee Vees: 8:23 - 8:49
Vegemite: 9:01 - 11:30
BEANS! 12:10 - 13:01

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