Polo Tactics: Own The Inside of the Field

Описание к видео Polo Tactics: Own The Inside of the Field

We are so often told to "Mark the Man" or "Take the Man" - without ever really being told how to mark the man effectively. Because if you're riding him off and he's riding you're off, then you're both doing your jobs right?! (JOIN the Academy HERE: https://www.gavsayspoloacademy.com/ )

But who actually has the advantage in the ride off? Who "wins" that play?

Well - that all comes down to which rider is "owning the inside of the field."

Take a look at this brilliant and IMPORTANT lesson to find out what this means - and how you can be more effective with your marking.

And remember: if you are riding someone off, and you're NOT "owning the inside of the field" ...

Then you are just doing THEIR JOB for them.



➡ JOIN THE ACADEMY HERE: https://www.gavsayspoloacademy.com/

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➡ Download the Bitting Blueprint: https://learn.gavsays.com/sf/8d1e8f0c



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