Horrific Incident in Kerala, India: Pregnant Elephant Eats a Pineapple Laced with Fireworks

Описание к видео Horrific Incident in Kerala, India: Pregnant Elephant Eats a Pineapple Laced with Fireworks

This horrific incident happened on June 3, 2020. The pineapple laced with fireworks, caused a massive injury to the elephant's mouth & trunk. She ran through the village in pain and shock, but she didn't hurt anyone. She couldn't eat because of her injures. She starved. All because she trusted humans and took pineapple that they offered to her. It's estimated that she was suffering for 20 days before the officials found out about her. When they found her, she was malnourished and had immersed herself in a river - unwilling to move. She had given up on life and humans, just waiting to die. And die, she did. She passed away in the river.

She went though all this pain while she was pregnant. She spared her unborn child from experiencing the cruelty humans are capable of.

This incident got mainstream media coverage, which is great - but there are a lot of elephants who suffer in India without receiving any attention or awareness.


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