Whole of government evaluation approaches

Описание к видео Whole of government evaluation approaches

Panel members: Danielle Spruyt, NSW Treasury; Todd Sansness, Queensland Treasury; Eleanor Williams, Vic Department of Health; Christabelle Darcy, NT Department of Treasury and Finance; Narina Dahms, ACT Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate; Kylie Dalling, WA Treasury
Facilitator: Melissa Kaltner, EY and AES NSW Committee Member

Have you ever wondered about the similarities and differences in evaluation approaches across jurisdictions, or considered the differences in methodologies and approaches to evaluation that frameworks can drive? This event is a panel discussion about different public sector evaluation approaches across Australia, exploring consistencies, ideological drivers and process variations across Australian jurisdictions. Some jurisdictions have whole-of-government evaluation frameworks coordinated from central agencies. In other jurisdictions, the responsibility for evaluation is with individual agencies. With panellists from several jurisdictions across Australia, this is a great opportunity to find out about the different approaches to coordinating evaluation in government, the pros and cons of various approaches, and lessons that have been learned along the way.

Panel members' background
• Danielle Spruyt, Principal Economic Analyst, Centre for Evidence and Evaluation, NSW Treasury
• Todd Sansness, Assistant Government Statistician, Queensland Government Statistician’s Office, Queensland Treasury
• Eleanor Williams, Chair of the Victorian Public Sector Evaluation Network; Director, Centre for Evaluation and Research Evidence, Vic Department of Health
• Christabelle Darcy, Assistant Director, Program Evaluation Unit, NT Department of Treasury and Finance
• Narina Dahms, Director, Policy Design and Evaluation, ACT Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate
• Kylie Dalling, Manager – Strategic, Policy and Evaluation, WA Treasury

This special event was a collaboration between the AES Northern Territory, New South Wales and Queensland Regional Network Committees.


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