Cube Reaction Hybrid Pro 625 Ebike ~ First ride and thoughts

Описание к видео Cube Reaction Hybrid Pro 625 Ebike ~ First ride and thoughts

Hi everyone and welcome to a completely different video to what i normally put out but the channel is diverse and can cover a multitude of topics that occurs everyday to me.
So ive got an Ebike to get some better exercise in, like i say in the video, everywhere around me i have a lot of steep hills and these hills can put anyone off who isnt i shape like Lance Armstrong.

Anyway, enough of me waffling, check the video out and see what you guys think. Please dont get stuck in the same mind i was for a long time thinking that ebikes were cheating, they simply are not.

I used this website to order mine from but im noticing a lot of websites are running low or out of stock on a lot of bikes.

here is the cubes website link to check out the specs directly

So get out there and test one out and see if you guys will enjoy an ebike. i did and can see me doing a lot more riding with this bike.

Thanks for watching and sorry for the change of pace with the videos.


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