Welcome to Thera: Wormhole Zarzakh – EVE Online Corvette to Cynabal Bootstrap Challenge – Ep. 43

Описание к видео Welcome to Thera: Wormhole Zarzakh – EVE Online Corvette to Cynabal Bootstrap Challenge – Ep. 43

It's been all of two episodes since Bill Dingha Cynabal uprooted his life to move 20 jumps across low-sec from Aulbres to Mannar. So he should definitely be nesting... right?

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SMUT - Hippies
Jingle Punks - Ditch Diggin'
Jimena Contreras - Devil's Organ
NEFFEX - Inspired
Everet Almond - The Gunfight
Nate Blaze - Bigger Steps
Otis McDonald - Spooky Boop
Jeremy Blake - Science Montage
F. Liszt - Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2
Quincas Moreira - Don't Fret
Freedom Trail Studios - Scifi Vintage Radio
Brian Bolger - Dead Forest
Francis Preve - Plaidness

All other songs from EVE Online Soundtrack


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