Hunchback of Notre Dame (2/2) 💙 By Victor Hugo. FULL Audiobook

Описание к видео Hunchback of Notre Dame (2/2) 💙 By Victor Hugo. FULL Audiobook

Hunchback of Notre Dame. By Victor Hugo FULL Audiobook
Here's a detailed summary of Victor Hugo's novel, "The Hunchback of Notre Dame":

Set against the backdrop of medieval Paris during the reign of Louis XI, this extraordinary historical French gothic novel unfolds beneath the twin towers of the magnificent Notre-Dame Cathedral. The haunting drama revolves around three central characters: Quasimodo, the disabled bell-ringer; La Esmeralda, a captivating gypsy street dancer; and Archdeacon Claude Frollo, Quasimodo's guardian.

1. Quasimodo:
- Quasimodo, a deformed hunchback, is elected the Pope of Fools during the 1482 Festival of Fools in Paris. The jeering mob parades him around the city due to his extreme ugliness.
- His life takes a turn when he becomes infatuated with La Esmeralda, who shows him kindness.
- Quasimodo's loyalty to Notre-Dame and his unrequited love for La Esmeralda drive the narrative.

2. La Esmeralda:
- Born as Agnès, La Esmeralda is a French Roma girl and a mesmerizing dancer.
- She captures the hearts of both Quasimodo and Phoebus de Chateaupers, a soldier.
- Her beauty and grace lead to a tragic series of events, including false accusations and a death sentence.

3. Archdeacon Claude Frollo:
- Frollo, consumed by obsessive lust for La Esmeralda, renounces God and delves into alchemy and black magic.
- From his secret cell atop Notre-Dame, he plots to ensnare La Esmeralda.
- His jealousy of Phoebus drives him to commit a heinous act, leading to a web of tragedy.

- Marginalization: The novel condemns a society that heaps misery upon Quasimodo and La Esmeralda.
- Impossible Love: The love affairs between the characters—Quasimodo's unrequited love for La Esmeralda and Frollo's twisted obsession—form the emotional core.
- Medieval Paris: Hugo evokes the vibrant life and struggles of medieval Paris, painting a vivid picture of the city.

In this tale of love, tragedy, and societal injustice, Hugo masterfully weaves together elements of Romanticism—from the Renaissance setting to the marginalized characters. "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" remains a timeless exploration of human nature and the complexities of the heart .
More: Hunchback, Notre Dame, Victor Hugo
Audiobook, Quasimodo, Esmeralda
Bell-ringer, Gothic novel, Romantic
Paris, Evil priest, Deformed
Beautiful gypsy, Tragedy, Literary fiction

00:00:00 33 - Book 7: V - The Two Men Clothed in Black
00:15:19 34 - Book 7: VI - The Effect which Seven Oaths in the Open Air can Produce
00:26:10 35 - Book 7: VII - The Mysterious Monk
00:46:49 36 - Book 7: VIII - The Utility of Windows which Open on the River
01:08:17 37 - Book 8: I - The Crown Changed into a Dry Leaf
01:32:44 38 - Book 8: II - Continuation of the Crown which was Changed into a DryLeaf
01:45:47 39 - Book 8: III - End of the Crown which was Changed into a Dry Leaf
01:54:31 40 - Book 8: IV - ~Lasciate Ogni Speranza~—Leave all hope behind, ye who Enter here
02:33:52 41 - Book 8: V - The Mother
02:47:21 42 - Book 8: VI - Three Human Hearts differently Constructed
03:31:20 43 - Book 9: I - Delirium
04:00:36 44 - Book 9: II - Hunchbacked, One Eyed, Lame
04:10:48 45 - Book 9: III - Deaf
04:18:31 46 - Book 9: IV - Earthenware and Crystal
04:47:01 47 - Book 9: V - The Key to the Red Door
04:52:29 48 - Book 9: VI - Continuation of the Key to the Red Door
05:00:17 49 - Book 10: I - Gringoire has Many Good Ideas in Succession.—Rue des Bernardins
05:26:00 50 - Book 10: II - Turn Vagabond
05:31:28 51 - Book 10: III - Long Live Mirth
05:51:44 52 - Book 10: IV - An Awkward Friend
06:40:40 53 - Book 10: V-1- The Retreat in which Monsieur Louis of France says his Prayers
07:33:22 54 - Book 10: V-2 - The Retreat in which Monsieur Louis of France says his Prayers
07:59:11 55 - Book 10: VI - Little Sword in Pocket
08:01:36 56 - Book 10: VII - Chateaupers to the Rescue
08:06:47 57 - Book 11: I-1 - The Little Shoe
08:42:41 58 - Book 11: I-2 - The Little Shoe
09:34:37 59 - Book 11: II - The Beautiful Creature Clad in White
09:58:09 60 - Book 11: III - The Marriage of Phoebus
10:00:32 61 - Book 11: IV - The Marriage of Quasimodo


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