Ontology and epistemology explained, a simple guide for PhD and masters degree research students

Описание к видео Ontology and epistemology explained, a simple guide for PhD and masters degree research students

Ontology and epistemology can be super confusing for masters degree and PhD research students, but I'm here to explain and simplify them for you!

Hello, I'm Dr. Elizabeth Yardley, and in this video, I draw on my two decades of experience supporting master's and doctoral students to unravel the enigma of ontology and epistemology. Join me on this journey of understanding as we bring practical relevance to these complex concepts within your research.

Unveiling Ontology: Let's explore the 'what' question together – what are we truly observing in the social world? We'll delve into the realist perspective, likened to a stable hotel, and the dynamic social constructivist viewpoint, treating the social world as a home shaped by its inhabitants.

Deciphering Epistemology: Engage with the 'how' question – how do we make sense of the social world? We'll uncover the positivist approach, explaining and identifying causes, reminiscent of natural sciences, and the interpretive stance, focusing on understanding and identifying meanings in a participant-driven context.

Whether you're crafting your methods chapter or intrigued by research philosophy, this video offers invaluable insights. Join me in demystifying ontology and epistemology!

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