CE 5700 - DeepSoil v7.1 Site Responses Eq. Linear Analysis Eg1

Описание к видео CE 5700 - DeepSoil v7.1 Site Responses Eq. Linear Analysis Eg1

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0:00 Introduction
1:25 Setting Up Soil Profile
3:15 Soil Properties Input
3:46 Modulus & Damping Curve Input
6:55 Modulus & Damping Curve Fitting
9:05 Second (Clay) Layer Inputs
11:20 Bedrock Layer Input
13:15 Earthquake Ground Motion Inputs
15:45 Site Response Analysis
Site Responses Analysis Lecture:    • CE 5700 Geotechnical Earthquake Engin...  
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Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Lecture Series:    • CE 5700 Geotechnical Earthquake Engin...  

Prof. Kwan research website: https://sites.google.com/site/wingshu...


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