My Quality of Sleep Has Improved With The Solea Sleep Laser Treatments

Описание к видео My Quality of Sleep Has Improved With The Solea Sleep Laser Treatments

My Dental Company
Caesar: Hi, my name is Cesar. During the course of my treatment, Dr. Olson help me address my sleep apnea. And I also had some treatment with the Solea laser. I was waking up in the middle of the night. Gasping for air not getting quality sleep. It also affected my wife's and my daughter's sleep because according to them my snoring was so loud that it would wake them or prevent them from falling asleep at night.

Dr. Doug Olson: Caesar had lots of dental needs. There is lot of fractured teeth that we were starting to see a trend and fracturing more and more. So, we are really kind of investigating, looking at his airway and encouraging him to go get a sleep study.

Caesar's Wife: I asked him to go get some help because I need sleep to do my job. And so, does he, and I'd wake up angry all the time.

Dr. Olson: He did go get a sleep study, and he was diagnosed with sleep apnea. So is sleep apnea started using a CPAP and is still kind of struggling with that and we're actually an ongoing evaluation with that because for us, that's the bottom line. Is it, is the treatment working? In the sense that it's gonna give him a better life. If it's not, then we need to continue to search and be a part of that treatment to help him.

One of the things that we did with him was to slay asleep and he's not snoring which is amazing and it's decreasing the resistance in his airway and causing him to have more energy and a better night's sleep and his family. The rest of his family is having a better night's sleep as well.

Caesar: The lasers has been great. It was a painless procedure. You get something that I guess, would remind you of Chloraseptic when you had a sore throat as a kid. A couple of sprays and you go kind of tingly in the back, a little warmth, as the doctor does the procedure, and then you're out. You can have a popsicle and you don't feel anything the rest of the day.

Dr. Olson: We were thrilled to hear that there was no snoring and that is wife is super happy and his daughter's happy. They don't have to be upset at dad anymore with making lots of noise and interrupting their sleep at night.

Caesar: Definitely quality of sleep is improved. My mood is improved. I'm able to breathe better and the Solea Laser really assisted where the CPAP and other treatments haven't with cutting out my snoring. Snoring, as you know, it can be very annoying to folks around you but it's also a sign that you're not breathing really well.

A lot of issues can occur physiologic be within your body when you're not breathing well or sleeping well at night. Things you don't even know until you actually sit down with your primary care doctor. I definitely am glad that I chose to follow through with Dr. Olsen's recommendations to get my sleep apnea diagnosed and take steps to improve it and get it better.
My Dental Company pursues excellence in many components of our Colorado Springs practice. First is excellence in patient and team experiences, including products and services that positively impact the oral health and increases the quality of life of our dental family.

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My Dental Company
1610 Cheyenne Mountain Blvd, #120
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
Phone: (719) 527-2626


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