Tutorial: Zero to Operator in 90 Minutes! - Solly Ross, Google

Описание к видео Tutorial: Zero to Operator in 90 Minutes! - Solly Ross, Google

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Tutorial: Zero to Operator in 90 Minutes! - Solly Ross, Google (Limited Available Seating; First-Come, First-Served Basis)

Please bring your laptop fully charged as we will have limited charging stations available in the room. Please complete the following steps ahead of time to make your tutorial easier: https://gist.github.com/DirectXMan12/... Come learn how to quickly get off the ground running with building an operator using KubeBuilder v2! Come write a Kubernetes-style API to manage a bespoke application, complete with declarative validation and defaulting. Discover what kind of requirements go into an API type, and how to write API types that work and feel like they're part of Kubernetes, and can be easily consumed as part of a larger system. Once you've got an API type, you'll make use of the new server-side apply functionality to make implementing your core logic a breeze, and learn how to think about writing well-behaved controller logic that deals with different interactions with other parts of Kubernetes. Finally, you'll learn how to actually run your controller locally for development and on a remote cluster for production.



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