Tonnerre - Might

Описание к видео Tonnerre - Might

Playing my track "Might" from my debut EP "Ripples".

Performance captured in the heart of the french alps near Chamonix, with a breathtaking view of le Mont Blanc, la Mer de Glace, l'Aiguille du Midi...

Listen to Ripples on streaming platforms :

Credits :
Recorded at : Chamonix Domain, France
Directed by : Aurélien Pichod
Drone Pilot : Jaime Micheletto
Editor : Tonnerre & Aurélien Pichod
Colourist : Tonnerre
Special Thanks : Charlie Vetter & Simon Bouchoucha

Follow Tonnerre :
Spotify :
Apple Music :   / tonnerre  
TikTok :   / ucx1uaaztbc9xnv1jakyy1zg  
Instagram :   / tonnerremusic  
Soundcloud :   / tonnerremusic  


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