Why Main Dam Body is Made Curved with Larger Bottom :

Описание к видео Why Main Dam Body is Made Curved with Larger Bottom :

Here are some key points about the design of the Hoover Dam

- *Arch-Gravity Dam*: The Hoover Dam is an arch-gravity dam, which means that it uses both arch and gravity principles to ensure stability.

- *Curvature*: The dam's curved shape allows it to withstand water pressure and distribute the force into the canyon walls.

- *Increasing Width*: The dam's width increases towards the base to lower the center of gravity and improve stability.

- *Divided Blocks*: The dam was built in divided blocks to prevent overheating and cracking during the curing process.

- *Cooling System*: A cooling system was implemented to control the temperature of the concrete and speed up the curing process.

The Hoover Dam is a remarkable feat of engineering that has withstood the test of time, and its design has played a crucial role in its success. The dam's innovative arch-gravity design, curvature, and divided blocks have enabled it to withstand water pressure and distribute force effectively. Additionally, the cooling system implemented during construction helped prevent overheating and cracking, ensuring the dam's stability and longevity.
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