Petite Chanson 1 for Tin Whistle and Ukulele

Описание к видео Petite Chanson 1 for Tin Whistle and Ukulele

Petite Chanson in French means short song and Petite Chanson 1 for Tin Whistle and Ukulele
has many sections varying in difficulty. The first section starts off with a basic melody and then it progresses into a intermediate to advanced level with fast semiquavers in the tin flute. Then we return back to inversions of the first melody. Then we again return to and advanced setting for both players and the ukulele now encounters the advanced melody once again with the tin flute and. The piece has many features like inversions, rhythmic and melodic changes and melody and accompaniment. The second section is a melody that is copied by the ukulele making a stereo effect on the music. The piece returns to the original theme and fades out.


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