Plants vs. Zombies Mini-Games - Slot Machine

Описание к видео Plants vs. Zombies Mini-Games - Slot Machine

It's time to gamble, but this isn't Poker Night at the Inventory, so we'll have to deal with a Slot Machine. ...Wait, why am I gambling my life for plants?

In this mini-game, it is pretty much 99% luck-based, and 1% skill (on deciding where to plant your stuff). Here are the following possible rewards:

2-of-a-Kind Peashooter/Snow Pea/Wall-Nut/Sunflower: 1 Peashooter/Snow Pea/Wall-Nut/Sunflower

3-of-a-Kind Peashooter/Snow Pea/Wall-Nut: 3 Peashooters/Snow Peas/Wall-Nuts/Sunflowers

2-of-a-Kind Sun: Couple of Sun

3-of-a-Kind Sun: Loads of Sun

2-of-a-Kind Diamond: 1 Diamond

3-of-a-Kind Diamond: 5 Diamonds

So sometimes it can be VERY kind to you and give you the necessary plants without ever missing, or it can be so cruel to you and keep giving you free Sun when you need to plant a utility instead on a row that has no utility other than a Sunflower...

It's going to be raining seeds in the next video, because we apparently lack a redub of It's Raining Men.


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