How I Save Money And Budget As A 20 Year Old Part-Time Working College Student

Описание к видео How I Save Money And Budget As A 20 Year Old Part-Time Working College Student

Hi everyone! Today's video is me showing you how I budget and save money at 20 years old, all while being a part-time worker and college student at the same time. I got into budgeting and saving money this new year and it has changed my life. Since learning how to budget and save money I have eliminated so many problems I was having with myself in terms of my mental health, which I speak on in this video. If you are looking for a way to save money, this system is definitely a great one. You can also use this method if you are a salary paid worker, but since I am a part-time worker my system may look a bit different from yours. The budgeting system I use is called the "sinking fund" method, and if you stay til the end of the video you'll find out all there is to know about this money saving method.

How old are you?

Where are you from?
Los Angeles, CA, born & raised

What camera do you use?
Canon EOS M50

What is your fave social media site?
Instagram... which mine is @kami.xcx ;)

This video is not sponsored, even though I wish Digit would because I love their app.


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