alec + allison [revenge & retribution AU]

Описание к видео alec + allison [revenge & retribution AU]

Seriously, the quality sucks so don't say i didn't warn you.
At the beginning i'd like to say that this is my first video after 2month-break and i'm sorry if my editing's getting worse and also sorry for the bugs of Sony Vegas. I'm gonna try to fix it, i promise. My sick brain's going crazy too so that's what it wanted me to make ugh. #dontjudgeme

Alec & Allison are [more than]friends for a long time. They don't just work together, they're like family members to each other. Once, Allison breaks the law preventing murdering of a downworlder and helping him to run. The Clave is furious, they want her get arrested and send Alec to do it. He doesn't want to but as he believes, "the law is hard but it's the law". Allison is in jail waiting for Clave's decision and Alec's like prisoner of his own conscience. He feels that he can't betray her and lets Allie go. She is angry with him but when he asks her to let him help, she tries to give him one more chance. Clave thinks that Allison has ran away on her own and when Alec tells them it's his fault, Clave members don't believe him. Now, as a betrayer, Allison is condemned to death and Alec can't let it happen so he volunteers to complete this mission. He finds Allie and shots her so everyone thinks she's dead now but she's not. From now her sole intention is to make Alec pay for what he did to her like for reasons of retribution but actually because she wants the revenge. When she tries to kill him he wins the fight and she's like ready to die by Alec's hands /once more/ but... He feels guilty for what happened and lets her do with him whatever she wants to. And suddenly Allison realizes she doesn't want him dead. She asks Alec to stop doing the wrong things Clave wants him to do but he tells her that he can't give up his life for her so she leaves. When some time passes, Alec finds out that Allie's in danger and hurries to warn her... and comes too late. She gets attacked by someone and dies in Alec's arms.
Information about the show & song is in the end of the video.
Coloring: mine
Dedication: Anita. Idk why, i don't expect you to forgive me but i wish you can.

If there are any questions, i'm waiting for them here:
or here:

P.S. sorry for my bad English
P.P.S. hope you enjoy


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