Things About Who Framed Roger Rabbit You Only Notice As An Adult

Описание к видео Things About Who Framed Roger Rabbit You Only Notice As An Adult

If you haven’t seen Who Framed Roger Rabbit since you were a child, you probably remember it as that charming little film where Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse finally meet up. However, when you revisit it as an adult, you will see all kinds of jokes that you likely didn’t remember or understand, as the film is full of clever innuendos and double entendres.

In addition, there is a whole subtext involving race that you probably didn’t pick up on when you first saw it, so let’s take a look at some things about Who Framed Roger Rabbit that you only notice as an adult.

#RogerRabbit #Movie #Adult

Pervy Herman | 0:00
Pattycake | 0:54
Bad rabbit | 1:24
Alcoholic Eddie | 1:48
Probate problems | 2:17
Inhuman Doom | 2:41
Invisible Harvey | 3:07
Singing Sword | 3:38
Hand-drawn racism | 4:13

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