West Bengal WB Police Constable SI Recruitment Online Application form Fill up 2021

Описание к видео West Bengal WB Police Constable SI Recruitment Online Application form Fill up 2021

West Bengal WB Police Constable SI Recruitment Online Application form Fill up 2021. The full apply process shown in this video. Recruitment to the post of Constable and Lady Constable in West Bengal Police and Sub Inspector and lady Sub Inspector online application start from 22-01-2021 and end 20-02-2021. Interested and eligible candidates can apply online through the official website - http://wbpolice.gov.in/ - or off-line starting from January 22, 2021. The last date for WB Police Constable Recruitment is February 20, 2021. A total of 9720 vacancies are available of which 8632 are for Constable Posts and 1088 for SI Posts.

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