Australian Parrots Complete Breeding Tips

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Australian Parrots Complete Breeding Tips

All parrot eggs are white and are generally laid in the afternoon or early evening.
Most Australian parrots lay 4 - 6 eggs per clutch.
Most Australian parrots have a single clutch per year. (Neophemas may have more than one)
For most Australian parrots, incubation is in the range 18 - 21 days.
For most Australian parrots, fledging occurs in the range 4 - 5 weeks.
For most Australian parrots, young become independent at about 2 weeks after leaving the nest (Most Neophemas take longer, about 3 - 4 weeks)
All Australian parrots will breed in hollow logs.
Parrots do no damage to the tree in which they nests. The addition of "droppings" or faeces around the tree can be beneficial to the health of the tree - a natural fertilizer.
Australian parrots, with the exception of the cockatiel and cockatoos, the hen alone incubates the eggs and broods alone.
Nest box size - rough rule of thumb - The internal length of each side of the base of the nest box is equal to the length of the bird minus the tail i.e. beak to vent length. Minimum height of the nest box to be at least three times the internal width of the nest box.
Give the choice of about three logs or nest boxes at the start of the breeding season to allow the birds to choose the one that they prefer.
If you buy birds from the breeder, especially hens, try and find out what type and size of nest box or log they were bred in and offer the same type and size to the young birds when they reach breeding age.
All parrots have 12 tail feathers, except the Whiskered Lorikeet which has 14 tail feathers.

  / nexusbirds  

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