Goa Jepang Binsari, Saksi Bisu Pertempuran Panas Biak

Описание к видео Goa Jepang Binsari, Saksi Bisu Pertempuran Panas Biak

Binsari Japanese Cave is a silent witness of the fierce Battle of Biak in 1944. This natural cave, located in Biak Numfor Regency, Papua, is a hiding place as well as a fortress for the Japanese army against the Allies. For some people, Japanese Cave or Goa Jepang is just a place that store the relics of the Japanese army. However, for Yusuf Rumaropen, the cave has its own impression. Since it was opened as a world war site in the 1980s, Yusuf began to fondly look for relics left in the cave.

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