CALL ME CRAZY- Organic Chemistry Functional Groups

Описание к видео CALL ME CRAZY- Organic Chemistry Functional Groups

SCH4U Organic Chemistry Project
Canadian College Italy 2012

Here are the lyrics:

I took this class once in school
Was filled with all these weird rules
We learned the functional groups
They are reactive sites
Alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes
Carbon bonds up to three times
They're named with "ane", "ene", or "yne"
And now our skills will shine
Chains of hydrocarbons
Nitrogen is in there often
Double bonded oxygens
Tell us what you call these compounds!
Hey I just learned these
And they're organic
Alcohols and
Carboxylic acids
And all the aldehydes
Amines and amides
I love those ketones
Esthers and ethers
Hey I just learned these
And they're organic
Alcohols and
Carboxylic acids
And all the aldehydes
Amines and amides
I love those ketones
Esthers and ethers
Ethers are where we'll begin
These groups contain oxygen
It joins 2 HC groups
The name contains "oxy"
Amines are where we'll go next
They come in 3 cool classes
These guys contain nitrogen
And an "amine" suffix
Chains of hydrocarbons
Nitrogen is in there often
Double bonded oxygens
Tell us what you call these compounds!
Hey we're not done yet
Alcohols are crazy
They contain hydroxyl
That's "OH" baby
Sometimes you will see
At the end of a chain, it's
Carboxylic acid!
Hey can you smell that?
Those fragrant esters!
They're similar to
Carboxylic acids
Another alkyl group
Replaces the "H"
The smelly result is
Named with "oate"
Carbonyl groups are in my life
In sugars and carbs
In two compounds
Ketones and aldehydes
Aldehydes are on the end
They want more space
But not ketones
Their group is tucked up inside
And finally we
Have the amides
Who have carbonyl
Plus an NH2 group
Hey I just taught these
They're organic
Alcohols and
Carboxylic acids
And all the aldehydes
Amines and amides
I love those ketones
Esters and ethers
Before they came into my life
I missed them so bad
I missed them so bad
I missed them so so bad
Before they came into my life
I missed them so bad
And they should know that
So call me crazy


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