Boyles's law Charles's law and ideal gas equation

Описание к видео Boyles's law Charles's law and ideal gas equation

Ideal Gas Equation, Boyles’s law, Charles’s law are the most important and basic laws of thermodynamics in physics and chemistry. the ideal gas equation gives the relation between pressure, volume, and temperature by keeping some constant terms like Boltzmann constant, amount of substance, number of molecules and Avogadro number.
Boyles's law states that Pressure is inversely proportional to the volume at constant temperature
Charles's law states that The volume of a gas varies linearly with the increase in temperature at constant pressure.
Ideal gas equation
If both the laws are obeyed exactly than the
n is the amount of substance of gas(also known as moles number)
N is the number of gas molecules (or the Avogadro constant and amount of substance )
R is universal gas constant
Kb is the Boltzmann constant

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