Start a Paint Business.. Seriously!

Описание к видео Start a Paint Business.. Seriously!

This is literally the best time in the history of the universe to start a painting business. Watch until the end to see why and how you can too (without all the "necessary" experience)!

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💻 Painting Systems Blueprint: Want us to build your company for you?: ▶

In this video, we give you the low down on why starting a painting business is actually a GREAT idea, and a quite profitable one. The painting industry is one of the many industries where a person can enter as a very low cost, become a highly competitive A-Player in the industry, and make quite a bit of money in the first year alone.

Here are the five reasons why you should start a painting business:

1. It is easy to enter and cheap / low startup cost
2. Highly profitable! You can easily make over $100,000 Net Income your first year in business without knowing anything about the industry
3. Huge opportunity. There arent a lot of painting contractors who are doing the smaller things that yield a better customer experience. If you have an ability to execute, you are way ahead of the game!
4. The average painting company in the coutry is less than 2 people large. This is a good thing! This is a good thing because most companies have larger backlogs and most companies are not great at answering the phone since they are usually the ones working all day! You have lots of room to provide a better service to your cusotmers than these other painting contractors.
5. There are tons of mentors out there. Between facebook communities, other online mentors, and other community groups near your local town, there are numerous ways you can get information much quicker than ever before. This will give you the leg up on your competition and shorten your learing curve.

Thanks for watching this video. It took myself quite a bit to realize that starting a painting business was a wonderful idea. I hope you some day realize it too!

Catch you in the next video,

Owner, Painting Systems Blueprint


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