Prismizer Vocal Choir Effect in Reaper - with Stock (& Free) Plugins - Update - w/ Template Download

Описание к видео Prismizer Vocal Choir Effect in Reaper - with Stock (& Free) Plugins - Update - w/ Template Download

Hey all,

Edit as of April 4, 2021: I've made a little download of this as a TrackTemplate for Reaper, feel free to grab it here (also with a handy Readme text):

Like my original disclaimer: I don't want people to think that I'm hailing this as the prismizer or anything, like on the songs by various artists who have made this effect famous. This is just my variation, and it isn't perfect.

Also, let me know if the audio levels on the video are good! Thanks everyone, you’re all awesome,

Airwindows Sidepass (utility high pass on the side channel) -

If you like Airwindows stuff, support the awesome dev (Chris Johnson) on Patreon:   / airwindows  
Acon Digital’s Multiply (chorus)-


0:00 - Intro
0:48 - Sound Demo

1:42 - Lead Vocal processing (ReaTune)


2:19 - Duplicate the vocal onto a new track (Calibration track)
2:45 - ReaTune inserted on Calibration track
2:56 - Calibration track ReaTune settings (short attack, 3.3.3 Soloist, Manual mode)
3:27 - Manual mode settings: make sure Manual Correction, Track Pitch, and Prevent Octave Shifts are all checked
3:38 - Uncheck “Master Send” on Calibration track Routing (to mute the Calibration track)
4:04 - Play through entire vocal (mute first unless you enjoy dissonance!) while ReaTune draws the red pitch lines
4:49 - Find the approximate center pitch between the vocal’s highest and lowest notes; draw a single pitch correction line from start to finish of the vocal, ONLY on that one note; remember what this note is (in the video, I chose D3)
5:16 - ensure beginning point starts at the very beginning of the vocal - you may have to drag the point past the piano keys
5:47 - Send Calibration track to track 3 (Choir track)
6:34 - Add midi chords to Choir track
6:46 - Insert ReaVoice on Choir track
6:52 - ReaVoice settings (Full Wet, no Dry, 8 voices, Rubber Band Library algorithm with Preserve Formants etc.)
7:32 - ReaVoice Center Note = EXACTLY the same as ReaTune Manual correction note (i.e. in the video, that is D3)
8:59 - Adding stereoization to the choir - in the video i used the free Multiply by Acon Digital, and a gentle high pass on the side channel (any mid-side EQ will work, I used the free Sidepass by Airwindows)

10:20 - Add ReaPitch to the Calibration or Choir track to manually adjust formant (it may be more useful on the Calibration track, depending on your pitch algorithms used)
11:23 - How to add an automation lane for the Formant Shift (full) parameter in ReaPitch

15:41 - End of the main portion of the video


16:23 - My own history with the Prismizer effect (715 Creeks)
17:22 - Limitations of ReaVoice; why Calibration track is needed
19:03 - Why I duplicate the lead vox onto the Calibration track


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