Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain Walkthrough Part 6: Belaya Vezha

Описание к видео Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain Walkthrough Part 6: Belaya Vezha

Following the assignment in Krivorozhstal Mill, Cobra and Stone head to the chateau north of the mill in order to continue investigating Chechen Democratic Partizans and their involvement in Syphon Filter research. However, as they fly over the region, their helicopter is shot down in the woods surrounding the chateau with Cobra ending up separated from Stone and the IPCA pilot Alima Haddad, latter of whom was captured. Having lost most of his weapons in the crash and with CDP terrorists patrolling the area, Cobra proceeds to rearm himself and single-handedly destroy major infrastructure surrounding the chateau, including its power grid, communication systems and anti-aircraft patrol network while Stone sets off towards the chateau itself in order to try and rescue Alima. However, by the time Cobra finishes destroying CDP's infrastructure and approaches the chateau, he discovers that Stone has been captured as well and is ordered to save him, to that end launching an one-man assault on chateau during which he manages to free Stone and kill his captor, CDP's second-in-command named Mikhail Pulikovsky, although he discovers that Alima has likely already been killed since Stone was unable to locate her before being captured himself. To make matters worse, CDP has called in an tank in order to deal with Cobra and Stone with two men engaging it in an fight within the front courtyard of the chateau and managing to destroy it, completing their mission.

Back in IPCA's European command in Germany, with CDP's involvement in Syphon Filter research and sale on the black market being confirmed as the cause of simultaneous viral outbreaks around the world, Gabriel Logan decides to place one of CDP's officers named Yuschenko under surveillance. With the man having last been seen in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa and Israeli Mossad already preparing an local action to prevent CDP from selling the virus to the local terrorists, a decision is made to send Cobra to Yemen in order to stop the sale...


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