DataPhilly Jan 2021: Satellite Imagery Analysis with Python

Описание к видео DataPhilly Jan 2021: Satellite Imagery Analysis with Python

Workshop: Participants will learn the basics of working with geospatial data in Python. They will learn how to generate basic analytics using both vector (e.g. points, lines, and polygons) and raster (e.g. satellite imagery) datasets. The workshop will also discuss how to prepare imagery and labels for training machine learning models. Throughout the process of the workshop, attendees will be introduced to indispensable open-source geospatial libraries like GDAL, Rasterio, GeoPandas, and Shapely. The workshop will make use of Google Colab notebooks.

Presenter: Simon Kassel
Simon is a Data Scientist at Azavea where he works on geospatial data analysis and machine learning projects. He also spends time working on Raster Vision, an open-source library for deep learning on satellite and aerial imagery. Simon was born and raised in Burlington, VT. After living in Minneapolis, NY, and Boston, he has been happy to call Philadelphia home for the last five years.


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