CHRISTIAN MOM IN SEMINARY: mom of two in seminary grad school | young christian mom day in the life

Описание к видео CHRISTIAN MOM IN SEMINARY: mom of two in seminary grad school | young christian mom day in the life

Welcome to a day in the life of a young christian mom in seminary! I'm learning to focus on intentional living now that I'm a mom of two in seminary grad school. Intentional living is so important because time has gotten rarer and more precious! I have to be intentional about every hour of the day!

Every part of this day in the life is a great example of how I am focused on intentional living- thinking through how I can get everything done as a mom of two in seminary. I have to plan out house chores, youtube work, seminary lectures and readings and papers, and even plan out time to be a normal person. Being a young christian mom isn't easy, but it's so worth it. I love my life and I am focused on spending my days well and not 'wasting' a single one of them!
In this day in the life, I'll show you basically everything for a day, our morning run, nap routines, meal routines, chores, homework- all of it! We talk about the concept of intentional living and hopefully I give you a good representation of what a day in the life of a young christian mom looks like. We talk about intentionally living every hour to the glory of God and so that's why I am so focused on school and being present with my boys and marriage. Showing up for it all.

But yeah, let's talk more about this mom in seminary thing- I recently started online seminary classes, and since I did an undergrad degree in Biblical and Theological studies, I was able to transfer credits, so I am jumping into it full force as a full time student and mom of two. I remember watching ditl of a college mom kind of stuff here on Youtube and always wondering how moms kept their sanity, so I tried to show you it all, today. A true, raw and real young christian mom day in the life! This isn't a college mom vlog where everything is nice and calm and orderly, my life is a mess just like everyone else's! But, I am loving this new challenge of being a mom of two in seminary. It's an awesome season of life, making me dial in, on what's important and necessary and what's not! I re-evaluating how I spend my time and how I show up as a grad student mom in the classroom and in the house. I don't have to get straight A's. That's just not necessary. But I am called to be a faithful mom. And that's what I focus on when I am trying to evaluate my life and time with eyes focused on intentional living. As a mom of two in grad school, I don't need netflix and facebook, I need Jesus and I want a nap and coffee! haha.

I pray that this mom ditl encourages and motivates you that you got this day, whatever lies ahead of you in your own life. I am a big believer that we all need more young christian mom encouragement, and I pray that this video did just that for you!

If you are also a young christian mom, especially a mom of two in grad school, or a student mom or a mom in seminary, please please please comment down below! I WOULD LOVE more student mom friends! And let me know if you also make ditl graudate student kind of videos because I would love to watch your videos and glean wisdom from the way you do life and make it all happen.

If you are new here, welcome to how to faith a life! My name is faith and I have this channel, #howtofaithalife . Consider subscribing, liking and sharing!

Father, use this video about my life as a grad student mom to encourage other student moms out there. Especially women in seminary who are afraid that they can't do it all or think that they are all alone. Use this video to encourage other young christian moms to pursue intentional living and not waste a day of their lives away with mindless living. While people are scrolling youtube and looking at college mom vlogs, I pray for future friends to find my video, so that we can connect and become internet friends!

May this mom ditl video not make anyone feel inadequate in any way, but motivate and just provide young christian mom encouragement for student moms or christian moms. If anyone is considering becoming a women in seminary, may this video motivate and encourage them that they can do it! We need more people to be that awkward female in seminary and change the perception that seminary is just for pastors!

And I pray for that grad student mom who is tired and weary and feels defeated. She may never watch this video, only scroll by, meet her with YOURSELF. Heal, empower, motivate and rejuvenate her in You... the well of living water, where we will drink and thirst no more.

May this ditl student mom show a realistic, not perfect take and encourage any insecure moms out there, that no one's life is perfect. And that we all need Jesus and He is the safe rock we can run to and find refuge!

Father, use this video, a silly ditl of a christian mom in seminary, to encourage someone. To send someone running to You that has been running from You. Use this video for Your glory, Your kingdom come and Your will be done!
#christianmom #jesusformommies


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