Bran Already knew he would be king of the Six Kingdoms.

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In the series finale, Tyrion proposes that "Bran the Broken" should be king. He then asks Bran if he'll accept the title.
That's when Bran tells Tyrion, "Why do you think I came all this way?"
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He had traveled to King's Landing from Winterfell, and so the moment seems to play for a laugh. But it's actually incredibly consequential because it implies that Bran can see into the future. This means he sat back, mostly passive, throughout the fight against the Night King and Cersei, knowing he would one day be crowned king after a devastating massacre in King's Landing.
No one in the show ever seemed to understand what being the Three-Eyed Raven meant, and because of that the audience had a hard time grasping it, too. At least twice the audience was given clues that Bran could see the future.
But if Bran could indeed see clearly into the future and knew he'd be crowned king if he traveled south, then did he also know Daenerys would massacre the citizens of King's Landing, clearing the path for him?
And if that's true, did he really just let the massacre happen with no interference?
Maybe Benioff and Weiss meant nothing by this line. The problem is that we don't know how much it implies. People were left feeling no optimism about King Bran's rule or the fate of Westeros if it's in the hands of a young greenseer with the ability to see disaster ahead for his citizens — and who's either unable to or chooses not to do anything about it.
Throughout seasons seven and eight, "Game of Thrones" tended to engage with some major story beats at a surface level that left me emotionally unsatisfied.
Dany leaving her former kingdom in Essos in the hands of Daario? A weak conclusion to her ambitions of eradicating slavery in the world.
Jon Snow riding a dragon for the first time? Played for laughs just like King Bran.
Arya Stark having face-changing abilities? That was used for a bizarre Sansa vs. Arya story in season seven and then totally disregarded in season eight.
Sam Tarly deserting the Citadel and stealing a bunch of important history books? Never mentioned again, and he was made an maester in the end anyway despite having a family with Gilly.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

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