The Matrix Is Intrinsically Trans

Описание к видео The Matrix Is Intrinsically Trans

Some cis people would like to deny the intrinsic transness of The Matrix. This film is a response to that, and an examination of the importance of listening to marginalized perspectives. This film is releasing on the one year anniversary of my coming out as trans to everyone in my life.

My patreon, if we get to 300$ a month I will do a followup: "The Matrix Ressurections says I'm right"
  / aranock  

A massive thank you to Noir and Indi for letting me quote their critiques of the Wachowskis and providing feedback on that section.
  / itsmrmask  
  / thenoirenigma  

Molly Noise, support her on bandcamp

Aranock as Aranock, Indiana Tan, Don Davis and Agent Smith
Bellamy Rhea as Maddy Thorson
FinntasticMrFox as Cael M Keegan
Kenzie Lutece reading various statistics on trans discrimination in the workplace
Harker The Story Teller as Proffessor George Chauncey
Jessie Gender as Susan Stryker and Lana Wachowski
LadyKnightTheBrave as Trinity

AdequateEmily:    / adequateemily  
Bellamy Rhea:    / bellamyrhea  
Classical Glaiza:   / classicalglaiza  
David J Bradley:    / davidjbradley  
FinntasticMrFox:    / finnjaminfox  
IamError:    / iamerror  
Indi Tan:   / itsmrmask  
Jessie Gender:    / lostrekkie  
Kenzie Lutece:    / kenzielutece  
LadyKnightTheBrave:    / ladyknightthebrave  
Molly Noise:   / impurenoise  
Nash Romi:   / nashromi  
Sean:   / yonvbear  
and TheNoirEnigma:   / thenoirenigma  

Thank you to LadyKnightTheBrave for being my emotional support cis, sincerely your emotional support gentile.
Thank you to my parents for letting me talk about this script with them for many many many months, sorry for reading multiple hour long scripts to you.



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