馬浚偉+楊怡 - 家揚記得冰冰的结局! (Steven Ma + Tavia Yeung Storm in a Cocoon Alternate Ending + MV)

Описание к видео 馬浚偉+楊怡 - 家揚記得冰冰的结局! (Steven Ma + Tavia Yeung Storm in a Cocoon Alternate Ending + MV)


特別想將這個視頻給 Tamaya (Steven Ma Fan's Blog的博主)
看過不少 fan blog, Tamaya的可以說是其中最好的之一 - 非常詳實,資訊很豐富,密密地發布馬仔的最新消息,成為了海外粉絲的一個情報處. 看見她在blog裡說很想看到《守業者》結尾時家揚和冰冰再一次擁抱,所以我想同她分享這個視頻.

Tamaya, 你滿意嗎?

Steven Ma and Tavia Yeung partners again in "Storm in a Cocoon", what will their ending be like?
Will Ka Yeung remember Bing Bing?
Of course he will but since they didn't have this scene in the series, allow me to fill in the blanks.

I especially want to show this video to Tamaya (host of Steven Ma's Fan Blog). Having seen a lot fan blogs before, I have to say Tamaya's is one of the best out there -- very comprehensive and informative with frequent updates made on Steven's latest news, it's become a key source of information for overseas fans. She said in her blog that she really wanted to see Ka Yeung and Bing Bing hug at the end of the series, so I wanted to share this with her.

Tamaya, did it meet your expectations?

Check out Tamaya's Blog: http://stevenma-fanblog.blogspot.com/


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