Kobalt 40v 20in Electric Lawn Mower Overview

Описание к видео Kobalt 40v 20in Electric Lawn Mower Overview

--This video is for educational purposes only

--You do any of this at your own risk

--Lawn mowers are dangerous and should be handled with extreme care

--Do not operate equipment like this unless you are trained to do so

This video was recorded a few months before the time of posting it. The lawn mower has had several months of hard use on a fairly large plot of land due to our main mower having not been fixed yet. The battery has deteriorated over time, however it does provide a good excuse for taking a break. If a replacement battery was not so expensive, this would be a much more viable solution for long usage periods. I could try to make a "DIY" battery pack for another video, as it is probably just 18650 cells in a bank.



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