Let’s Overcome Temptation and Gain the Kingdom of Heaven, God the Mother

Описание к видео Let’s Overcome Temptation and Gain the Kingdom of Heaven, God the Mother

[This video is copyrighted by the World Mission Society Church of God. Unauthorized copying and distribution are prohibited.]

Since God gives His children the blessings of Heaven
through every worship, the act of believing in God
and revering God itself is joy and happiness.

The Church of God members overcome all temptation
with the hope for Heaven

An obligatory life of faith without hope for Heaven brings
about temptation. We must not follow the path of Adam and Eve
who were defeated by Satan’s craftiness, but have absolute faith
like that of Job, and revere God until the end, and overcome
temptation through God’s word, following Jesus’ example.

Blessings of Heaven which God Ahnsahnghong
and God the Mother give us

All the secular temptations that hinder our way to Heaven are tests.
Just as the Israelites were tested in every moment in the desert
for 40 years, the members of the Church of God who are walking
toward the heavenly Canaan are given tests, but we can stand
the tests and receive the blessings of Heaven in the end
if we have absolute faith in God the Father and God the Mother.

Revelation 3:10
“Since you have kept my command to endure patiently,
I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going
to come upon the whole world to test those who live on the earth.”

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