CW McCall - Wolf Creek Pass

Описание к видео CW McCall - Wolf Creek Pass

This video was filmed with the RLC 940 Dash cam. Dash Cam provided by The First song is from The Real McCall: An American Storyteller. The second is from Wolf Creek Pass. This was filmed on our 6600 mile road trip following CW's music.

Bill Fries holds all rights to this music. Special thanks to Bill and Rena for letting us use this. No commercial gain is made from its use. WMG DOES NOT HOLD RIGHTS TO IT. Per Bill Fries!

UPDATE: Many comment on the cutting curves in the video. This was a 1987 Chevrolet Blazer loaded with parts, supplies,tools and four wheel drive (not yo Prius). But to help the uneducated here we go!
Welcome to Science 101. The 'line' through the corner (as it is called) is the path that minimizes the curve angle in one continuous arc. This places the least lateral force on the vehicle for any given speed, thus allowing faster speeds before the limits of tire adhesion are reached. The corner angle is then effectively reduced and even though the vehicle has 25% further to travel, it can take it twice as fast.
This allows you to take it without sliding. Static friction is greater than kinetic friction. When you slam on your brakes, you will stop faster if you are not sliding (Think of trying to stop on ice, you are repeatedly entering kinetic friction and having a hard time slowing down).
Every time you take a harsh turn/curve, you are exerting a lateral force on the wheels. If you turn harder, your tires will squeal and eventually skid, causing you to slide and under steer. This is bad.

So the simple answer would be the equation for centrifugal force: f=v^2/r where v is speed and r is the radius of curvature. So by decreasing the curvature (1/r) of the path that the car takes, you reduce the amount of force the tires have to exert on the road, meaning you can now increase the speed, v.


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