অনিকেত প্রান্তর কভার। Aniket Prontor by Artcell Band (Cover).

Описание к видео অনিকেত প্রান্তর কভার। Aniket Prontor by Artcell Band (Cover).

This is a cover version of the song Oniket Prantor by the legendary Bangladeshi rock band Artcell. The original song is from their second album of the same name, released in 2006. It is a 16-minute epic that showcases the band’s progressive metal influences and lyrical themes of existentialism and spirituality. The song is widely regarded as one of the best Bangla rock songs of all time and a masterpiece of Artcell’s discography.

In this cover, I have tried to capture the essence and emotion of the original song, while adding my own style and interpretation. I have used acoustic guitar, keyboard, and vocals to create a more intimate and personal rendition of the song. I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed making it.

I would like to express my respect and admiration for Artcell and their music, which has inspired me and countless other musicians and fans. This cover is a tribute to their legacy and a way of sharing their art with a new generation of listeners.

Please note that this cover is for entertainment purposes only and I do not own any rights to the original song. All credit goes to Artcell and their respective label. You can listen to the original song here: Oniket Prantor by Artcell.


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