Lift4 Pro eFoil is Amazing! - Test Ride Reveals Performance and Capabilities - Verdant Ride

Описание к видео Lift4 Pro eFoil is Amazing! - Test Ride Reveals Performance and Capabilities - Verdant Ride

The high-end performance Lift4 Pro 4'2" board is lighter, more powerful, and so deadly silent it is almost creepy. Verdant Ride tests the new board with a 32" mast, LCS system, and a various combos of Camber Pro 160 Front, 36 Glide Rear, 100 Surf Front, and 38 Carve Rear.

Yes a complete review will be coming soon after I've tried all the new wing combos and had a chance to test the range & ride time of the newly updated battery packs.

For those who love wakeboarding, this is as close as it gets without a boat, driver, truck trailer,, lift, board, bindings, Cincher Gloves, extensive joint injuries, rope, crew, petrol, winterization/summarization maintenance, or committing acts of environmental insanity.



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