Everything you need to know about STAYING AT A HOSTEL

Описание к видео Everything you need to know about STAYING AT A HOSTEL

Overview of staying at a hostel, including sleeping in dorms, how to keep your stuff safe, and how to meet people. Here are the basics to make you feel more comfortable and confident before your first night at a hostel. Thanks to YHA New Zealand for making this video possible. Check out their hostels: https://yha.co.nz

Contents of the video -
00:47 - Multishare rooms
04:02 - Private rooms
04:55 - The bathroom
05:31 - The kitchen
06:15 - The common areas
06:36 - The extras

Music by Musicbed.
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ABOUT ME ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Californian traveling the world and living in New Zealand. Here to share adventures and give you tips about travel, culture, language, and life.


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