Who Does the Fighting? - A Sermon on Ephesians

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Christians are called to fight a spiritual battle but how are they to fight? What role do they play in this struggle? Are they to be passive, or are they alone to be the ones engaging the enemy? In this sermon on fighting in the Christian life from Ephesians 6:10–13 titled “Who Does the Fighting?” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches on spiritual warfare and the responsibility that Christians have to be fighting in their lives. The phrase “Let go and let God” is popular today among many Christians, but is it Biblical? Are they to just surrender to God and let Him fight all of their battles? Dr. Lloyd-Jones presents strong arguments from Scripture that demonstrate otherwise. He argues that if this was the case, many of the exhortations seen in the New Testament to believers are unnecessary. Many passages in Scripture instruct the Christian to play an active role in fighting spiritual warfare—to resist the devil, put to death the deeds of the flesh, stop lying, fight the good fight, and many other such encouragements. God’s word is consistent and clear— followers of Jesus are commanded to take action. Dr. Lloyd-Jones also notes that this is a relatively new doctrine, and one that ignores Christian teaching on this subject that has been accepted for thousands of years. Because of these reasons, he says, Christians are to understand that their role in spiritual warfare is an active one.


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