Tree Stump Studios Reel | 2023

Описание к видео Tree Stump Studios Reel | 2023

Our Mission: Produce creative and engaging content to deliver the good news to all nations

Our Story
When we started Tree Stump, our mission was simple: Produce creative and engaging content to deliver the good news to all nations. With that mission in mind, we are moving to empower creatives to produce innovative and uplifting programs, events, films, and social media content that will bring joy and hope to everyone who participates or watch.

Our objective is to engage with this generation where they are and to communicate in their language. We want to create content that is relevant and that will resonate with them on a deep level. Tell stories that will inspire, challenge, and encourage people to have faith and to let them know that there is a purpose for their lives.

We are passionate about creating a community of creative professionals who share our vision and mission. It is our goal to build a platform for collaboration, networking and mentorship that will strengthen the creative landscape both nationally and internationally.

If you share our vision and would like to partner with us, please get in touch. We would love to hear from you! You can also follow us on Youtube, Instagram, and TikTok @treestumpstudios. Whether you are young or old, we believe that our content will bring you hope and joy.


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