Centroid Acorn CNC: Step Rate and Driver Frequency Interactions

Описание к видео Centroid Acorn CNC: Step Rate and Driver Frequency Interactions

Please Note: These parameters are set outside of the Wizard. Running the Wizard will reset them back to the defaults.

Parameter 968
Value Frequency (Hz)
0 200000
1 1200000
2 600000
3 400000
4 300000
5 240000
6 200000
12 100000
30 40000
60 20000
100 12000

Parameter 39 - Feedrate Override Percentage Limit
This parameter is used for limiting the upper end of the Feedrate Override Knob percentage to a value from 100% to
200%. This parameter can be used to restrict the Feedrate Override Knob effect on machines with maximum rates
over 200 in/min. The Feedrate Override Knob percentage is normally allowed to go to 200%. However, on machines
with high cutting speeds, if the knob is turned up to 200%, it creates overshoots on corners. If this parameter for
example is set at 110, it will stop the Feedrate Override Knob from exceeding 110%, and thus cause the overshoots to

Parameter 146 – Feed Hold Threshold for Feed Rate Override
This parameter sets the lowest value permitted as the feed rate override percentage before feed hold is engaged. Feed
hold will be released when the override percentage is greater than this value.


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