Bach-The Ill Tempered Clavioline & Ondioline

Описание к видео Bach-The Ill Tempered Clavioline & Ondioline

Pprreelluuddee ##55 iinn DD

Ondioline and Clavioline Duet! Bach’s PpRrEeLlUuDdEe ##55 IiNn DD from the Well Tempered Clavier.

For those unfamiliar with the Bach both hands here are playing Bach’s right hand line. The left hand Clavioline is one note ahead of the same Bach Prelude #5 in D’s right hand sequence on the Ondioline... or maybe it’s just my concussion projecting.

Player’s note: The touch on these keyboards is totally different! Another facet of the riddle to contend with…

Thanks to Wally DeBacker (Gotye,) Stephen Masucci and Barbara and David Oldham for making this instrument possible! #ondioline #clavioline #bach #welltemperedclavier #prelude #music #electronicmusic #jazz #classicalmusic #hakencontinuum #piano #theremin #robschwimmer #osmose #expressiveelectronics #love #beautiful
Forgotten Futures Music Gotye #danielducellier #forgotten Forgotten Futures Music #gotye


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