The biggest bombshell in the history of Old Testament research: Torah authorship

Описание к видео The biggest bombshell in the history of Old Testament research: Torah authorship

Some notes and sources on things I refer to in this video:

On examples we have that call into question our modern view of an "author": Jeffrey Tigay, Empirical Models for Biblical Criticism (he uses the Gilgamesh example that I use in the video):

Moses in the act of writing: e.g., Exod 34:27; Deut 31:9

Joshua 8.30–35: Joshua copying the “law of Moses” upon stones

Anachronisms: Gen 36.31, “kings in Edom before any Israelite king”; Gen 26.1, refers to Philistines (who arrive after Moses?); Gen 12.6, the Canaanite was "then" in the land (i.e., looking back from a time when the Canaanite was not in the land...i.e., a generation after Moses?)

Exod 6.2–3, God says: “…I am the Lord (Yahweh). I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob as God Almighty (El Shaddai), but by my name the Lord (Yahweh) I did not make myself known to them.” —a fun translation note here: the NIV translation, with no warrant whatsoever in Hebrew, translates the phrase "make myself known to them" as: "make myself fully known to them" (i.e., they add the word "fully" with no justification in order to try to smooth over what they see as a historical problem here, namely the fact that God does appear to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob by the name "Yahweh": see Gen 4.26, 14.22, 15.7–8, 16.2, 18.14, 19.14, 22.14, 24.7, 26.22, 27.7, 28.13, 29.32, 30.24, 31.49, 32.9, 49.18, among many other instances!).

The "JEDP" terms:
J = Jahwist (Yahwist) source, maybe the earliest source, could be as early as 1000 BC for some who wrote about this theory
E = Elohist source, also early, but maybe later than J
D = Deuteronomist source, basically the book of Deuteronomy, maybe from the 700s-600s BC
P = Priestly source, all of the laws and rituals in Exodus, then all of Leviticus and Numbers, maybe from 500s-400s BC

Resource: Thomas B. Dozeman, "The Authorship of the Pentateuch: From Moses to the Documentary Hypothesis" (book chapter):

Resource on the JEDP and anti-Judaism or even anti-Semitism problem: Alan T. Levenson, "Was the Documentary Hypothesis Tainted by Wellhausen’s Antisemitism?":

Originally created for SBIS 510 Introduction to the Old Testament at Portland Seminary

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