ElBlocko's SMB3 Hack World 4

Описание к видео ElBlocko's SMB3 Hack World 4

Yep, World 3... Err, I mean World 4, sorry, lol.

So... A fair warning from Peach in her last letter, it sure looks fun the sky of that level... What was Bowser doing anyways? And a Volcano? Lol that's... new? Hmm...

Ah well, whatever. The levels in this world... some of them are a bit evil. Well, being almost halfway done on this game, it should be no surprise, Hmm? There is this one level that ElBlocko said it was almost, and I repeat, ALMOST Kaizo-like, but I'm not sure about that... Judge yourselves about that and give me your thoughts about it!

Thanks! Enjoy the video!


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