New Corydoras Guide - 10 interesting Corydoras catfish

Описание к видео New Corydoras Guide - 10 interesting Corydoras catfish

First in our series of short Corydoras catfish clips with new species from Suriname, Colombia, Peru and Brazil. Features Corydoras geryi , Corydoras pantanalensis , Corydoras filamentosus , Corydoras boesemani , Corydoras geoffroy, Corydoras bethanae , Corydoras CW104 , Corydoras CW107 , Corydoras CW153 , Corydoras CW169 , Corydoras sp. "Calamar" - short notes on keeping some of the new Corys, and first video for some species!

00:00 Intro: 10 nice "new" Corydoras species
00:13 Corydoras spec. Calamar
01:02 Corydoras bethanae
01:30 Corydoras CW153
02:19 Corydoras CW169
03:13 Corydoras CW107
03:50 Corydoras boesemani
04:32 Corydoras pantanalensis
05:09 Corydoras geryi
05:30 Corydoras geoffroy
06:07 Corydoras filamentosus
07:01 Corydoras CW104

Watch Part 2:    • New Corydoras Guide 2 - 10 more inter...  

Check out our video on the new Corydoras from the Cachimbo: Corydoras CW111, Corydoras CW146 , Corydoras CW171 and others.
   • Corydoras CW111 - zebrina Cory or vul...  

Check out the video on the habitat of Corydoras apiaka
   • CORYDORAS in NATURE ( Hoplisoma apiak...  

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