Execution | Dick Barrett | Anocht @ 19.20

Описание к видео Execution | Dick Barrett | Anocht @ 19.20

Anocht Scéal Dick Barrett. D'éirigh Michael Collins, Sean Hayes agus Dick Barrett aníos in éineacht in Iarthar Chorcaí. Bhí an triúr acu maraithe faoi dheireadh na bliana 1922. Bhí scéal an triúr fear seo fite fuaite feadh Chogadh Cathartha na hÉireann, cath a chuir deartháireacha in aghaidh a chéile.
Dick Barrett -- Comhraic na gCarad (Brother against brother). Dick Barrett, Michael Collins and Sean Hales and were like brothers growing up together in West Cork. But all three were dead by the end of 1922. The interwoven story of their lives is the tragedy of the Irish Civil War that turned brother against brother.


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