ultrasound case - round ligament varicosities

Описание к видео ultrasound case - round ligament varicosities

Round ligament varicosities are rare, and the mass mimics an inguinal hernia. Round ligament varicosities should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a groin swelling in a female, especially during pregnancy. The diagnosis of round ligament varicosities can be established on grayscale and color Doppler ultrasonography

The diagnosis of RLV can be established by ultrasonography
The characteristic ultrasonographic findings include
a prominent venous plexus with accompanying dilated draining veins and the typical "bag of worms" appearance of smaller varices on color Doppler image.
The change in the shape of the cystic masses during the examination in the supine and upright positions as well as at rest and during the Valsalva maneuver are also characteristic.
The ultrasonography criteria that may be used to diagnose RLV include:
multiple dilated veins passing through the inguinal canal
absence of bowel or lymph nodes in the inguinal mass
and veins seen to drain into the inferior epigastric vein


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