Microgreens and Compost Tea Experiment

Описание к видео Microgreens and Compost Tea Experiment

I've been wanting to use compost tea on our micro greens now for a long time. In the past I have foliar sprayed a few trays to see what would happen. I never noticed a difference. This time around however I did more of a root soak on 3 trays of broccoli. There was a definite deference! This microgreens and compost tea experiment is only my first go and I learned a lot. I do plan on playing around with this a little more.
I'm sure I left something out. So if you have any questions or comments please leave a comment.

Compost tea ingredients
4oz Kellogg Organic Plus
1cup Dr Earth tomato, vegetable and herb fertilizer
85oz wormcasting
.5cup ocean kelp. (I'm sure you can go without this and have good results. I got the bag I'm using from the fish monger at the market.)

Day off



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