MDCAT | Past Papers MCQS on Nutrition | Human Digestive System

Описание к видео MDCAT | Past Papers MCQS on Nutrition | Human Digestive System

Dear Students
This lecture will cover all Past Papers MCQS of Digestive system. This lecture series is beneficial for MDCAT, NUMS and NEET Aspirants.
To Join Live MDCAT Class with Dr Sohail Contact 0314-9890680
#humangisetivesystem #digestion #digestioninman #digestioninmouthcavity #digetsioninstomach #ptyalin #salivaryglands #parotidglands #amylase #bolus #chyme #chyle #chylomicron #pepsin #trypsin #chymotrypsin #carboxypeptidase #amylopsin #rennin #chymotrypsin #enterokinase #bile #mdcatbiology #mdcat2023 #numsbiology #numsbiology #cardiacsphincter #pyloricsphincter #fundusofstonach #peristalsis #sigmoidcolon #largeintestine #smallintestine #pancrease #liver #secretin #gastrin #drsohaillectures


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